I found Jerry Arthur (Bushwackers Land Processing) through a listing on Craigslist. The headline was Land Clearing for $125/hour. I called Jerry and found that he was about an hour and a half away from the job site. We talked for about five minutes. He offered to come work the next day and then I could evaluate. If I liked what I saw, he would continue. If not, I could pay him for the time, we would shake hands and he would head on down the road. To make a long story short, I kept him for a total of 37 hours , so far.My cousin is in the commercial landscape business and has workers that want to make extra money on the weekends during the slow times. I hired five workers for seven days for eight hours a day. They cleared about three acres of privet and stacked the brush and cost me about $3000.00. Jerry came in and worked for two days, cleared about three acres and cost $2562.50 for 20.5 hours. When the landscapers finished, I had stumps in the ground and piles of brush to contend with. When Jerry finished, I had little to no stumps and no piles to get rid of, just shredded mulch that I will use in new paths that we are making in the woods.””Would I recommend Jerry Arthur? Yes I would. Would I use him again? Yes I would and I already have.” “If you have any questions, please feel free to call me and I will be happy to visit about his service.”

-Brad Lee, President Dallas,TX 75217 214-398-3400

Before                                                                    After