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Land Clearing Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of our land clearing frequently asked questions. Our land clearing solutions are both environmentally friendly, and cost effective. We do not leave piles of brush to burn or haul off. Your land will be ready to use right away.

What Happens to the Material?

The material and debris that we clear will be turned into mulch. Leaving a layer of mulched material on top of the minimally disturbed soil below.

What are the Benefits of Mulch?

The mulched material has many benefits. Number one, it will act as an erosion barrier. You will be able to use your land right away and the mulch will act as soil enrichment. This will allow grass to begin growing up immediately. Grass can then be maintained by mowing.

What is Selective Clearing?

Selective clearing is the process by which you can decide specific trees to be left alone. For example, if you want to clear all brush and trees other than Pecan, you may do so. Leaving your land much easier to harvest.

What Type of Equipment Do You Use?

We use heavy machinery with a horizontal rotating drum that “cuts” away trees, brush, and stumps.

What are the Environmental Advantages?

Environmental advantages of alternative land clearing solutions abound. Traditional land clearing services also available. (i.e. dozer, excavator, tree pushing, etc.)

What are the Cost and Time Benefits?

This is the most valuable land clearing solution on the market. We can bring a single machine, or multiple machines to fit your clearing schedule. to your site to handle all of the clearing. This process will take a fraction of the time of hiring a crew to cut, pile, sort, and burn debris on your land.

How Many Acres Can Be Cleared Per Day?

1-8 Acres per day, depending on job specifications and final appearance requested.

What is Your Pricing Structure?

We charge by the day rate or by the job. Contact us for current rates.

When is the Best Time to Have Work Done?

Any time! Call us now to get started.


Call Jerry now: 580-920-5039

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