Jerry, Lisa and I wanted to send you a note to let  you know we really appreciate all your team did on our land clearing. Jared and Andy are both great guys and stayed with the job and cleared way more that we ever expected to get done. Before we had no idea what we had even purchased it was so overgrown. You could not even walk to the middle of the property to look around.  After a brief meeting with Jared and Andy to see what we were looking to do they got to work. At first we had only wanted to go the one day minimum but after seeing what these guys were capable of getting done we ask for them to stay a 2nd day. What Bushwackers accomplished (in two days), would have taken us several years to get done… We plan to have you guys back out in the near future to complete the rest of the property although I think we might need different equipment due to the piles left behind by the last company that used a dozer. Great job, great workers, very professional and would highly recommend your company. Thanks Jim & Lisa Kelley